CfP: Research Network 17 ‘Work, Employment and Industrial Relations’ during the European Sociological Association (ESA) Conference, Manchester (UK), 20 – 23 August 2019

Von Sophie Rosenbohm, 5 Dezember, 2018

Research Network 17 ‘Work, Employment and Industrial Relations’ during the European Sociological Association (ESA) Conference, Manchester (UK), 20 – 23 August 2019.

For the Manchester 2019 conference, RN17 welcomes theoretical and empirical research that places work, labour and employment relations in a broader perspective and that problematizes the existing social, institutional and geographical determinants of working lives in Europe and beyond. RN17 provides the space for critical and novel discussions of the current European and global challenges of work. We expect to receive theoretical and empirical (both qualitative and quantitative) contributions. Cross-national research which focuses on Europe and beyond is especially welcome.

Alongside the network contribution to the overall theme of the 2019 ESA conference on “Europe and beyond: boundaries, barriers and belonging”, we would also like to explore further current debates in the wide field of the sociology of work, employment and industrial relations. Thus, RN17 invites all researchers in the diverse fields of sociology of work and labour for presentation on the following or other themes:

Local, sectoral, national, and European labour market institutions and processes in flux: change and resilience

  • European Social Dialogue
  • Industrial relations and the welfare state
  • The role of employers, business organisations and multinational enterprises in the organisation of employment
  • Migration and the implications for the world of work, employment and industrial relations
  • Changes and challenges in contemporary working life
  • Industrial relations in the public sector
  • Trends and effects of collective bargaining
  • New forms of work in emerging industries, with emerging technologies and in new forms of organisation
  • Worker participation, industrial democracy and labour relations at the workplace level, including the European Works Councils
  • New and old forms of industrial conflict and alternative forms of the representation of collective interests
  • The theoretical and methodological challenges in the field of work, employment and industrial relations
  • Labour market segregation: differences and inequalities between different groups, most notably by age, gender and ethnicity
  • Employment relations and labour market network perspectives

Abstract submission deadline: 1st February 2019

Abstract submission platform will be made available on:…

Please note that the platform for abstract submission is not open yet. We will try to do this within the next couple of weeks!

Further information can be also found in the general call for papers which is available on: