
Von Werner Nienhüser, 21 August, 2014

Weltkongress der ILERA in Kapstadt 2015 - Final Submission of Abstracts: 1 October 2014

17th ILERA World Congress, to be hosted from the 7 -11 September 2015 at the Southern Sun, Cape Sun Hotel and Conference Centre in Cape Town, South Africa,  under the theme:
"The Changing World of Work:  Implications for Labour and Employment Relations and Social Protection"

Hier einige wichtige Eckpunkte, insbesondere endet die Frist für die Einreichung von Abstracts bald.
+ Abstract Submission
- Final Submission of Abstracts: 1 October 2014
- Notification of acceptance/non-acceptance of Abstracts: 30 November 2014
+ Submission of Full Papers: 30 January 2015
- Registration deadline for Presenters: 30 January 2015
- Notification of Plenary/Workshop/Poster session allocation of full papers: 31 March 2015

+ Delegate Registration
- Delegate Registration open now!
- Early Bird Registration ends: 28 February 2015
- Late Registration: 1 July 2015 - 31 August 2015
- Final Registration: 31 August 2015

Mehr Informationen hier: http://www.ilera2015.co.za/index.php/important-dates
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